Monday, February 20, 2012

Problem inserting calculated data using sqldatasource, PLEASE HELP....!

Hi, I have created a website and I have a web form, I need to capture data and calculate fields and then insert the calculated field including the data into a sqlserver database. I created a store procedure and the parameters for the txt boxes is working fine. But the calculated fieldds are not getting inserted. Can someone please help? the code for insert is below: For the calculated field, I used txtboxes which "hold" the calculated field in the submit button event. I also tried using query string field

like this: but that did not work either. Help will be very much appreciated.



First, I have no idea what you're doing, so I'm working a little blind. Can you put a breakpoint in your app to see whether or not the calculated field is populated before the insert? You might have to put code into an event to see what's going on. Second, if you're using a stored procedure to do the insert, and it has the values that you're doing the calculation on, why not have it generate the calculated field? That might be easier in the short term.

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