The instance name specified is invalid.
Any ideasInstance Names -- Rules from BOL:
Instance Name
Enter a new instance name, or the name of the instance to maintain. Review and follow the rules for instance names.
Important It is recommended that instance names be kept to less than 10 characters. Instance names can appear in the user interface of various SQL Server and system tools; shorter names are more readable.
Instance Naming Rules
An instance name is not case-sensitive.
An instance name cannot be the terms Default or MSSQLServer.
Instance names must follow the rules for SQL Server identifiers and cannot be reserved keywords.
Instance names are limited to 16 characters.
The first character in the instance name must be a letter, an ampersand (&), an underscore (_), or a number sign (#). Acceptable letters are those defined by the Unicode Standard 2.0, which includes Latin characters a-z and A-Z, in addition to letter characters from other languages.
Subsequent characters can be:
Letters as defined in the Unicode Standard 2.0.
Decimal numbers from either Basic Latin or other national scripts.
The dollar sign ($), a number sign (#), or an underscore (_).
Embedded spaces or special characters are not allowed in instance names. Neither is the backslash (\), a comma (,), a colon (:), or the at sign (@.).
Warning Only characters that are valid in the current Microsoft Windows® code page can be used in instance names in SQL Server 2000. If a Unicode character not supported under the current code page is used, an error occurs.|||Thanks for the informative reply but it doens't mean anything to me. Sorry dumb user here. I haven't specified any names, just clicked on the setup file|||using the DOS command prompt chage directory to where you have unzipped the setup files to, ie: on my computer its C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE. Below is a snippet of the readme file that will help you out.
To install a new instance of Desktop Engine
Open a command prompt window.
From the command prompt, use the cd command to navigate to the folder containing the MSDE 2000 SP3a setup utility:
cd c:\MSDESP3aFolder\MSDE
where c:\MSDESP3aFolder is either the path to the folder into which you extracted the MSDE 2000 SP3a files, or the Desktop Engine SP3a folder on the SQL Server 2000 SP3a CD.
Execute one of the following commands:
To install a default instance configured to use Windows Authentication Mode, execute:
setup SAPWD="AStrongSAPwd"
Where AStrongSAPwd is a strong password to be assigned to the sa login.
To install a named instance configured to use Windows Authentication Mode, execute:
setup INSTANCENAME="InstanceName" SAPWD="AStrongSAPwd"
Where AStrongSAPwd is a strong password to be assigned to the sa login and InstanceName is the name to be assigned to the instance.
To install a default instance configured to use Mixed Mode, execute:
Where AStrongSAPwd is a strong password to be assigned to the sa login.
To install a named instance configured to use Mixed Mode, execute:
setup INSTANCENAME="InstanceName" SECURITYMODE=SQL SAPWD="AStrongSAPwd"|||Follow this:
I post this as I have tried to install MSDE sp 3 and configure it to work with Quickstart however it seems that that tasks is so difficult to do so I hope by posting it here. I can help many people who wants to solve this problem
Here is how I install the MSDE and configure it to run with quick start
1. First extract the MSDE which is download from Microsoft to C:\MSDE
2. Once installing MSDE restart and run your MSDE service
by typing net start MSSQL$NETSDK
on the command prompt and then type osql -L to see if there is any server running
3. Becareful in the second script if there is any ANDY-XP. That's my computer name, unfortunately I could not change that using %COMPUTERNAME% variable so I just leave it as it is. Remember to change it as appropriate
then Create two batch scripst:
First batch script
@.echo off
REM Follow these instructions for installing MSDE 2000 Sp 3:
REM You must firstly extract the MSDE setup files on C:\MSDE folder for this script to work
REM Define Variables
REM (Once installing, please restart your computer first)
save it as Setup MSDE.bat
The second batch script
@.echo off
REM To install northwind database for the quickstart tutorial. Follow these steps
REM Define variable
SET SAMPLE_SETUP_PATH=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Samples\Setup
net start MSSQL$NETSDK
REM Seeing whether the server running
osql -L
REM if response is none then make sure that your server MSDE instance name NetSDK is running
osql -E -S ANDY-XP\NetSDK -i InstNwnd.sql
osql -E -S ANDY-XP\NetSDK -i Grocer.sql
osql -E -S ANDY-XP\NetSDK -i instpubs.sql
osql -E -S ANDY-XP\NetSDK -i Portal.sql
REM After installing the NorthWind database, you still need to add the role user and assigned permission to it
REM Look on the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Samples\Setup\html\ConfigDetails.htm for configuring database
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -Q "sp_grantlogin '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d Pubs -Q "sp_grantdbaccess '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d Pubs -Q "sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d NorthWind -Q "sp_grantdbaccess '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d NorthWind -Q "sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d Portal -Q "sp_grantdbaccess '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d Portal -Q "sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d GrocerToGo -Q "sp_grantdbaccess '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%\NetSDK -d GrocerToGo -Q "sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '%COMPUTERNAME%\ASPNET'"
save it as Configure MSDE and database.bat
Then run the first and followed by the second batch script
Have a try and let me know if there is a mistakes on it. Any improvements can be sent to|||Thanks guys it gathered all the info. Is that wat i need to do?|||I run it from this link
Will this give me msde. seems to be an upgrade but didn't have it in the first place|||See the link bellow for help installing MSDE
Sql Server Installation Options
Hope this helps.
Wayne Phipps|||Thanks mate. SO when is running i get a little sign on the toolbar next to the time, with a play sign in it. mssql server?|||Your partly correct but its actually the Icon for the Service Manager which allows you to start/stop an Instance of SQL Server.
If you have more than one instance of SQL Server Installed, you can double click the icon and select the specific server from the dropdown list.
Hope this helps.
Wayne Phipps
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