It is weird b/c once something is inserted in the table, i can run the populate script without any problems. Any idea as to why this is happening?
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tbCelebroAds]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tbCelebroAds]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbCelebroAds] (
[AdID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[BranchCode] [int] NOT NULL ,
[PropertyID] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[AdScheduleCode] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RecAtCentral] [int] NULL ,
[AdRan] [int] NOT NULL ,
[AdStatusID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[PatID] [int] NULL ,
[RunDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[CreationCost] [float] NOT NULL ,
[BillCost] [float] NOT NULL ,
[AddedDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL
INSERT INTO tbCelebroAds (BranchCode, PropertyID, AdScheduleCode, PatID, AdStatusID, AdRan, RunDate, CreationCost, BillCost, AddedDate)
SELECT [TOP 100 PERCENT or no percent limiter doesn't work, TOP 99.9999999 PERCENT does] BranchCode, PropertyID, AdScheduleCode, cp.PatID, 6, 0, CAST(PubDate AS DATETIME), CAST(ISNULL(pat.Cost,0) AS DECIMAL(10,2)), 0, GetDate()
FROM tbCelebroView cv
LEFT JOIN tbCelebroPubs cp ON cv.PublicationName = cp.PublicationName AND cv.AdSectionName = cp.AdSectionName
LEFT JOIN tbPubToAdType pat ON cp.PatID = pat.PatID
WHERE CAST(BranchCode AS nvarchar(20)) + CAST(PropertyID AS varchar(20)) + CAST(AdScheduleCode AS nvarchar(20)) NOT IN
(SELECT CAST(BranchCode AS nvarchar(20)) + CAST(PropertyID AS varchar(20)) + CAST(AdScheduleCode AS nvarchar(20)) FROM tbCelebroAds)I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that, in your where clause, you're excluding records that exist in the very table you're inserting into (don't know why you're doing that, but I'm sure you have your reasons). Have you tried removing that last clause to see if it will work?|||The reason I am excluding records that exist in the table is b/c I am trying to perform a sort of "Merge" where only new records get inserted.
Is there a better way of doing this?|||How about inserting existing rows into a temp table first.
Then run you main select, but where records don't exist in your temp table.
Insert into #myTemp (select cast(....) )
insert into tbCelebroAds(....)select ...
where cast(...) not in select * from #myTemp|||Thanks TJ, that is a simple solution that worked perfectly when I tried it.
Thanks again for your help!
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