Hello all,
I have written an XP for SQL Server 2000 SP2. It performs as expected if I call the XP with literal values for the parameters, however when I wrap the XP call into a regular stored procedure, only the first character of each input string is seen by the XP! Here are the relevant code snippets:
C++ Extended Stored Procedure:
(Basically all this code is doing is retrieving the parameters and printing them back out)
srv_paraminfo(srvproc, 1, &bType, &uMaxLen, &uLen, NULL, &bNull);
param1 = new BYTE[uLen + 1];
srv_paraminfo(srvproc, 1, &bType, &uMaxLen, &uLen, param1, &bNull);
param1[uLen] = '\0';
srv_paraminfo(srvproc, 2, &bType, &uMaxLen, &uLen, NULL, &bNull);
param2 = new BYTE[uLen + 1];
srv_paraminfo(srvproc, 2, &bType, &uMaxLen, &uLen, param2, &bNull);
param2[uLen] = '\0';
srv_paraminfo(srvproc, 3, &bType, &uMaxLen, &uLen, NULL, &bNull);
param3 = new BYTE[uLen + 1];
srv_paraminfo(srvproc, 3, &bType, &uMaxLen, &uLen, param3, &bNull);
param3[uLen] = '\0';
sprintf(msgText, "Params received by xp: %s, %s, %s", param1, param2, param3);
srv_sendmsg( srvproc, SRV_MSG_ERROR, 0,(DBTINYINT)0, (DBTINYINT)0,NULL,0,0,msgText,SRV_NULLTERM);
srv_senddone(srvproc, SRV_DONE_ERROR, (DBUSMALLINT)0, (DBINT)0);
Calling the XP with literal values:
EXEC xp_mytest 'one','two','three'
Params received by xp: one, two, three
Calling XP via a stored procedure:
create procedure sp_mytest
@.myvar1 nvarchar(200),
@.myvar2 nvarchar(50),
@.myvar3 nvarchar(50)
PRINT @.myvar1
PRINT @.myvar2
PRINT @.myvar3
EXEC xp_mytest @.myvar1, @.myvar2, @.myvar3
EXEC sp_mytest 'one','two','three'
Params received by xp: o,t,t
Any insight or assistance is greatly appreciated!!!
Your definition of sp_mytest implies that its input parameters are not unicode. The first 0 character implies end-of-string. You pass unicode parameters to it from within sp_mytest (you declare them as nvarchar), and these characters are 2-byte with second byte zero, that's why you get back only the first character from the string.Either change your sp_mytest definition to use varchar instead of nvarchar, or your xp_mytest definition to use wchar instead of char.
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