Good day,
Current Setup:
Visual Web Developer Express
SQL Express
IIS 6.0 with >net 2.0 Installed
Visual Foxpro
I actually have two questions (but am making good progress so will focus on the issue at hand).
1. I setup a Login.aspx / Default.aspx / Register.apsx / Membership.aspx as specified in the examples in MSDN...all is working ok.
2. When I register a new user, I wanted to capture their Customer ID during login to store in their Membership view table. I did this and is working ok....and to make it easy, am storing the value in Comments field.
3. I want to query a Visual Fox free table (DBF) that contains my client's Customer Invoice data...and have the ODBC Connection setup and working properly.
Here's the problem....
I'm having trouble formulating the SELECT string within the asp code to capture the Membership.Comments field.
I need the proper functions to grab the Comments field data and then use it within my select statement.
Presently, the query works if I just hard-code the value i.e.
"SELECT * from [invdata] WHERE cus_no = '1' "
I need to replace the '1' with the comments field data.
On a side issue: it took me days to just to get this all working to where it is...does anyone have a detailed example of how to Login to a site and pass the parms to another page to query the Logged In user's data from a database......a real world example that I have yet to see highlighted anywhere in the Forums or books I've bought.
For example: I am customer ABC123, I log in to my vendor's site and want to see all my orders placed.
Hi JCquaz,
First off, have you considered using the FoxPro and Visual FoxPro OLE DB data provider, downloadable from ? It works with all versions of Fox tables.
I'm a little confused - Is "Cus_No" the name of the Memo field or is it "Comments?"
The comparison of a character value such as '1' to a Varchar value such as what SQL does with the Fox Memo field doesn't work. When I tested against the value of '1' stored in a Memo field I had to use Cast and Like in code like this:
Select * From TestMemo Where Cast(MemoField As Character(10)) Like '1%'
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